Mike and Cam are excited to welcome Jax, Jon, and Leslie Bari to the podcast. Jax is an impressive young celiac advocate who has been featured on “ABC Nightly News with David Muir,” and met with President Biden! Jax and his parents are on a mission to advocate for change, and Jax authored a citizen’s petition in his efforts require the labeling of GLUTEN as a major food allergen, making all gluten containing grains labeled in the future. You will be so inspired by the work that Jax, Jon, and Leslie have done to create positive change moving forward!
The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 385: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free
The guys wrap up Part 2 of Fall News and Notes with a fun story about a podcast fan and his near meet-up with Mike in Madison. They share their thoughts about a NY Times article about the rise of students who need gluten free and allergen free foods in college. Also, a new listener who is still coming to terms with her daughter’s celiac diagnosis.
The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 384: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free
Mike and Cam dig into their mailbag for part 1 of Fall News and Notes! First they share the story of a special birthday at sea on the Celiac Cruise, then a troubling tale of a father who still can’t process the seriousness of his daughter’s celiac disease, taunting her with gluten. We also talk about Italy’s amazing plan to test all kids for celiac and Type 1 diabetes between the ages of 0-17 years old, and much more!
The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 383: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free
Mike and Cam welcome back special guest Maureen Basye, founder of Celiac Cruise, to the show! The Celiac Cruise has had an epic year of global travel with their expanded sailing opportunities. Maureen doesn’t stop there! Her deeply rooted passionate vision and mission to bring gluten free families safe travel and social experiences abroad, while simultaneously giving back to the community through her fundraising efforts, is the driving force in how she views success. We learn the exciting destinations that Celiac Cruise has in store in 2024 and beyond! Hop aboard…a great adventure awaits!
The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 382: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free
Are there really people with celiac disease who are “more sensitive” than others? Mike shares his latest family get-together and how even after 14 years of being diagnosed with celiac disease, making a documentary, having a podcast and otherwise shouting from the rooftops, this condition can still be confusing–even for folks who think they understand the disease. Mike and Cam also talk about the level of awareness of Crohn’s and Colitis as they relate to celiac disease, and why we celebrate Celiac Awareness Day, which was just last Wednesday.
The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 381: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free
It’s been an eventful summer for Cam! In an exciting turn of events, he has recently discovered a new doctor who is helping him finally get to the bottom of some of his ongoing health issues. In addition to this, he just headed back to school after a long hiatus. Mike helps him unpack some of his takeaways from the latest exciting chapter of his life. On the subject of “back to school” they also share some distinctions between 504 plans, IEP’s, and college accommodations.
The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 380: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free
Mike and Cam welcome Teona Khaindrava, founder and owner of Senza Gluten in New York City. Senza Gluten is truly one of the top gluten free restaurants in the world. Teona shares her passion for making sure that everyone who visits Senza Gluten has a memorable experience whether they need to eat gluten free or not. She also shares how the community has lifted her up during challenging times and what drives her to make sure that her customers at Senza Gluten eat the most delicious and safe gluten free Italian food possible!
The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 379: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free
Mike and Cam welcome Rep. Dean Phillips, member of the U.S. House of Representatives in Minnesota’s 3rd DIstrict. Rep. Phillips introduced the Allergen Disclosure In Non-Food Articles (ADINA) Act into congress, named after a young girl by the same name who had a health scare at camp. If this bill becomes law, medications must adhere to the same labeling laws as food and beverages. Rep. Phillps shares how he learned about Adina’s story, some of the challenges to getting this type of legislation passed, and his hopes that the president will soon be signing this bill into law.
The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 378: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free
In Summer News and Notes Part 2 we share recent letters, including updates on at-home celiac tests, how to deal with snarky comments about celiac disease and eating gluten free, and a restaurant chain wanting to improve their protocols in order to provide a safe dining experience for celiacs. We also talk about our celiac walk and more!
The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 377: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free
Mike and Cam share some great listener letters in their Summer News and Notes Part 1! There is a definite travel theme going on as Cam also recounts his recent road trip to Colorado which had some epic highs, but landed on a bit of a sour note. We also share a news story about a woman with celiac disease who has the worst plane trip of her life! Along the way we share lots of helpful tips and takeaways to help make sure that all of your summer travel is safe and gluten free.