The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 73: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

In 1945 Dr. Douglas Arnold believed that a diet consisting manly of bananas was the cure for celiac disease. Obviously, later in life when gluten was reintroduced, these patience became ill again. Mike and Cam take a deep dive into the “banana diet.” In addition they look at a new study that shows that children who are diagnosed with CD tend to bounce back more quickly than adults.

The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 72: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

It has been an strange celiac awareness month for Mike and Cam, including Mike’s struggles to find safe options on a trip to California. They had a number of takeaways about the current state of being gluten free in this day and age. If you are playing the celiac project podcast drinking game at home, you can drink every time the guys say “celiac awareness month.” Bottoms up!

The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 71: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

Mike and Cam are happy to be joined this week by Katie Jones. Katie shares her dramatic story about her celiac diagnosis and brittle bone disease that ultimately led to her down the road to getting Piper, and training her through Willow Service dogs, to detect for gluten. In addition to talking more about the process of training a gluten detecting service dog, we talk to her about the challenges Katie faces as a teenager living with celiac. Katie’s story is amazing and she is a true inspiration and fantastic celiac advocate.

The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 69: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

Edwin Liu, MD of Children’s Hospital, Colorado, completed a recent study that shows that celiac disease may be much more common in children than previously thought. We’re confused by how the celiac diagnosis rates can differ so much across the board.  Mike and Cam also talk a little about their experiences and takeaways at the recent Gluten Free Allergen Friendly Expo.

The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 67: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

Mike’s nephew Sam joins the show to talk about a couple of recent “speed bumps” he had over spring break.  The most harrowing story has to do with his trip to China town, with a new group of acquaintances, that didn’t end so well for Sam. Mike and Cam help Sam break it all down and they discuss what could be done differently to avoid such pitfalls and some useful tools to turn to when thrust into these kinds of situations.

The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 66: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

Mike and Cam discuss the U.S. panel’s decision to forgo universal celiac testing and what the repercussions might be for the gluten-free world and our society in general. We also take a look at some other hot celiac health topics including the relationship that has been found between CD and anorexia and an the common virus that may trigger celiac disease. The latter is a huge breakthrough, could it ultimately lead to a vaccine?

The Celiac Project Podcast – Ep 65: 2 Guys Talking Gluten Free

Cam gets “glutened” by a product that doesn’t contain any gluten ingredients. This leads us to a “deeper dive” into the things that make us feel safe or less safe when buying products at the store or going to a restaurant. We also talk about a couple of Nima posts that our friend Jessica Hanson of Tasty Meditation and The Gluten Free Watchdog have shared.